Hi, Iā€™m Megan
- your business ninja!

If you're dropping balls, working too many hours, overwhelmed by the grind, and know you need help, chances are you need a business ninja on your side!

As an accountant and process improvement specialist with over 2 decades of experience, I work with business owners who love what they do and are great at their sales or services, but struggle with the behind the scenes side of running a business.

I get on a very real level what the overwhelm of running a business can be like. And I'm passionate about freeing people from that.

Your bottom line, your family and your sanity depend on it.

Together we can design your business so that it works for you, instead of feeling like it controls your life. Whether it's a single process that feels out of control, or everything feels like a mess and you don't know how to tackle it, we can get you sorted. Or if your struggle is staying on top of your bookkeeping and finances and understanding the story your numbers are telling you, let me take care of that for you.

When I'm not helping people regain control of their business and their lives, I'm living my second life running a newborn and family photography business (Ruby Red Photography), helping steer a couple of charitable foundations as their Treasurer, juggling life with three little boys, trying not to eat too much chocolate, and staying up way too late to Do All The Things. Life is busy and full, and awesome.

The business ninja recipe

  • I love to learn and love a good challenge. Dux of my school, top of my university's Commerce department, merit listed my way through my Chartered Accountant qualification, won dozens of academic prizes and awards. Still learning new things every day.

  • A wide range of accounting experience at KPMG, Fonterra, and globally. I'm all about implementing fast and efficient processes and simple, easy to read reports, so that financial information is meaningful and can add value to the business. Numbers should tell a story, not just feel like a necessary evil.

  • Nothing gives me quite as big a buzz as fixing something so that it isn't just sorted once, but done better EVERY time. So stepping properly into the Continuous Improvement world was only logical. Working within Fonterra's business services centre, I spent several years focusing on streamlining processes and implementing better systems, to speed things up, reduce mistakes, and get better results.

  • Aaaaand then I had kids, and my priorities totally changed. My long-term hobby and passion of photography felt more important than ever as I watched my babies grow so quickly, and Ruby Red Photography was born. Building a thriving business in a notoriously difficult-to-succeed-in industry, I quickly discovered that taking great photos wasn't enough. So many photography businesses fail because of the business foundations they are built on, and it was my mission to get those right.

    To start with, I wore all the hats and did all the things. That lifestyle isn't sustainable, though, and I realised my business could work better if I was willing to let go of some of the hats. I could grow my business further if I freed up more time to spend on actual photo shoots. I could enjoy my business more if I let go of the things I dreaded doing every time. I created presets and processes to speed up repeatable steps so they didn't need to be done manually each time.

  • Bringing all of these skills together, combined with a passion for helping other business owners cut through the overwhelm to get back to what they love most.